Friday, August 19, 2016

Fashion Facts - the invention of women's Suit

One of the pieces that must be met in a wardrobe every woman, is the suit for women, they are security option for any meeting or interview at work. There are also forms of which fit the normal picnic or even walk on the red carpet. Women's Suit appropriate for all women, were not available or even acceptable for women until recently. Who invented the women's suit? And how you received? There are not many who know the answer. Here's how it was the beginning:

Paul Poirier, unknown name to those who are not within the field of fashion, he was the first to introduce a suit for women in 1925, and was composed of a jacket and trousers. Before that, women were wearing dresses and Jawnlat only. And where the Suit something new and unknown, Paul Poirier suit women rejected most of the women, as they saw it is very masculine.

In 1933, it resubmitted Coco Chanel suit for women, but this time, had a chance to wear the famous actress and singer Marlene Dietrich. I was still heavily influenced by masculine lines and structure, but have been accepted in a little bit more.

There was a boom in women's suit, when Andre Courage launched his "space age" in 1964, where he designed women instead of geometric lines, stereoscopic, suitable for the standards body. We do not need to emphasize the extent of their success, it also opened the doors for many designers to unleash their creativity.

One of these designers is renowned Yves Saint Laurent, and which I think a lot of women that he is the inventor of the suit. In fact, it is presented suit "Asamokenj" or Aloudido women in his collection for Fall / Winter 1966. In the beginning, it was of great concern because of the other pieces in the collection, but the interest has increased significantly after a few weeks when issued in the garment collection.

What would have happened if not possess designers like Paul Poirier courage to think outside of the range? Or in this case, outside the Jawnlh? Do you imagine how our lives would have been without the women's suit? I certainly can not imagine.

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